All Children...
- Live in a safe, stable, supportive environment
- Receive quality education and affordable child and health care
- Achieve physical, emotional and spiritual well-being
- Respect themselves and the diversity of others
- Become responsible children and self-sufficient & productive adults
All Adults...
- Are motivated and empowered to achieve their greatest level of self-sufficency
- Have the education, skills and work ethic necessary to be successful at work and in life
- Have quality health care the responds to their physical, mental and emotional needs
All Families...
- Build strong relationships through love, support, guidance and encouragement
- Are self-supporting, happy and live in a safe and nuturing environment
Our Community...
- Creates a safe, stable and healthy environment for all
- Creates a more efficient and comprehensive network of social services and community resources
- Provides stable economic conditions that result in employment and career opportunities